Wednesday, February 18, 2009

Tornado Watch

Today we are under a tornado watch. Being from Oklahoma originally (Ok Girl) you would think I would be use to these but I am not. They terrify me. When I have dreams, it's usually of tornadoes which shows you how huge a fear it is for me. My heart races and I always get a enormous feeling of fear. Okay. Now let's just pray this is a good afternoon and evening and nothing happens.

More later....

Monday, February 16, 2009


Dedra. This is for you dear. I am back! I will do my best to blog on this thing at least twice a week. :0)

Tuesday, September 2, 2008


Well, since I am home sick today, I can blog. I had a fever and chills the whole entire night and it just sucked. After everyone left this morning, I hauled my weak self to the doctor. Seems I have a sinus infection and an ear infection in both ears. I was very surprised that I did not have strep throat because my throat feels like it's on fire. Hopefully the antibiotic will clear it up soon and I will be back to my old happy self.

On the family front, we had a great long weekend and got a lot done. I think it's funny how Labor Day Weekend we spend the whole time laboring. Ha! We kept the television on Fox News most of the weekend watching all the Hurricane Gustav coverage. I think the government did a great job of getting people transportation out of there and finding them housing this time. Of course, now some are saying they over reacted and all of that was not needed, but if they had not done it then people would be saying they didn't do enough (like Katrina). I guess you can never win.

I guess I am going to go lay down since I am feeling a little weak and dizzy. Hopefully I will get over this stuff soon.

Saturday, August 16, 2008

Here's a funny for ya

Right after I posted that lovely blog below, I go outside to get in my car and go pick up my daughter at her friend's house and I find this (see above).



Btw. It took us all day to clean it up.



I am getting lazy again with my posts. It's just been super busy everywhere. Work, school, home. My Fridays off are not really Fridays off. Someone at work this week asked me since school started back if I would go back to full-time. Ha! Right! I hope I do not have to, but if forced I guess I would have no choice. This Friday I spent dealing with my younger son's car break-in incident. His car which was parked in the parking garage at college was broken into last week. The morons broke out his window and took his crappy stereo. Not only did they break the window out, they used screwdrivers to pry the thing out of the center console and tore it up pretty good. This may total his car because his car really isn't worth much so we will have to see what happens with this. It's always something. On my day off he drove his car here (about an hour) we took it to get estimates, parked it in the driveway, taped up the windows, and then I drove him back to school (he left it here so we could deal with it) and then I had to drive back home and run my daughter and her friends to their destination. I am pretty wiped out. Hubby would have been happy to help but he is working 15 hours a day 7 days a week, so it's pretty much just me. So much for days off. Here are just a few pictures from our trip. Ugh! Oh well, at least I had fun with my new camera.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

Band Babies

Here they are! The trumpet section looking all sharp. You can see my little blondie on the back row, 4th from the left standing by her favorite trumpet guy (he is on the right of her - the curly haired one).

And here she is...the prettiest girl trumpet player ever!!!

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Some sort of good news

After his visit to the doctor, my son came home with the news that the doctor thinks he has a sliding hernia. She has referred him to a surgeon who he will see on Monday. We will know more after that. If it is something as simple as that (evidently pretty common in very active men, especially hockey players - which he is), I will be very thankful. In the exact words of my son, "I just want the junk to be right." Got to love a kid that uses that kind of lingo. Will post updates as we get them. Evidently he doesn't want me or hubby to go with him, but it is perfectly fine for his girlfriend to go. Jeez. When he does have surgery, you better believe his mom will be there whether he likes it or not. I am really getting a little tired of the "I am a man" speeches. Looks like he might be out of work for awhile since while he goes to school he is working for a moving company. Hernia much?

Must be back to school time.

How can I tell?

This was our yard yesterday morning. One last hurrah I guess. Silly kids.

Today was my daughter's first day of high school. She started school at a VERY large high school. And when I say large, I mean crazy large. I think I was more nervous than she was. I thought about her all day while I listened to my co-worker crying off and on throughout the day. Seems the jerk she married two weeks ago is already filing for a divorce. I would like to say I was surprised, but all of us saw it coming and can't believe she didn't. The worst part is that she is a single mother and she already turned in her notice and now wants to change her mind. Not sure how this will play out since after she called in that her child was sick and then ran off to marry this jerk (while her child was sick...umm...right) and then proceed to not come to work and do several other stupid things (because I guess she thought she had nothing to lose since she was going to quit work)...I think people were getting tired of it all and was glad that she was leaving. She is a sweet person, but not sure about her reliability or her sanity sometimes. It did take my mind off worrying about my daughter. I am such a terrific co-worker that when I went to Target at lunch I bought her some lovely tissue in a very decorative box for her desk.

After work I went over to the school to pick Tallulah up and the traffic was horrible! I was trying to get over to the side of the school where she was and totally got land locked by kids trying to get out so I sort of just gave up. Actually I was pretty scared one of them would hit my BMW so I just sort of sat there and tried to wait it out. Next thing I know daughter is calling me and telling me to stay where I am and she will walk the loooong walk to where I am. As she walked across the parking lot boys kept yelling, "whoohooo!" and "hey cutie!" Something tells me she is going to like high school just fine. Ha! She had boys offering her jackets (because it was cold in class) and boys letting her borrow pencils (she only took a pen) and boys letting her borrow money (because evidently, her lunch was $8.20 - WHAT?) Shame on me for thinking she could eat a school lunch for under 5 bucks! Wow!

Tomorrow it's band pictures at the stadium and I have a strong feeling we will get rained out once again. Saturday I will spend my entire day at the stadium cleaning the concession stand. I am so looking forward to that! Not!

Well....I gotta go grab Tallulah and head to the store. I think we will skip the $8.00 lunch tomorrow and just let her take her own lunch.
